Tag Archives: gadget

After Hewlett Packard announced that it would abandon its WebOS products in a press release last week, as we reported, it lopped $200 off of its not-so-popular TouchPad tablet, selling the smaller 16 GB model for $99 and the 32GB version for $149. The masses reacted. Suddenly a device nobody wanted, as AllThingsD’s Arik Hesseldahl describes,  ”seems incredibly popular: HP’s own Web site appears to have sold out of them. Engadget noted that the TouchPad is the hottest gadget on Amazon today, but not for the newly slashed price. At the moment, the 16GB unit is going for $454 on Amazon, and the 32GB version for $502.” Why the sudden change of heart for HP’s big ole lemon?  Read the full story by clicking the link.

HP – Marketing genius?

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